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SI Joint Pain: Exercises to Avoid

Suffering from sacroiliac (SI) joint pain can be debilitating, altering the way you move and live. While exercise is often recommended to help strengthen the muscles around the SI joint and increase stability, not all activities are beneficial. In fact, certain exercises can exacerbate SI joint pain, leading to more harm than good. Here are some exercises you should avoid if you have SI joint pain, helping you steer clear of potential setbacks in your recovery.


High-Impact Activities

Running and Jogging

These high-impact activities generate significant jarring forces on the SI joint with every footstrike. If you’re experiencing SI joint pain, the repetitive impact can aggravate the joint and surrounding structures, worsening pain.

Jumping Exercises

Activities that involve jumping, such as box jumps or skipping, can put excessive stress on the SI joints. The sudden impacts when landing can disturb the delicate balance needed to maintain SI joint stability and exacerbate pain.

Exercises That Involve Heavy Lifting

Traditional Weightlifting Squats

Deep squats with heavy weights compress the spine and can stress the SI joints, particularly if your form is not perfect. This compression can misalign the joints and increase pain.

Leg Press

The leg press machine places considerable force on your lower back, especially under heavy resistance. The fixed position of the back during the press can strain the SI joints and cause flare-ups in symptoms.

Exercises with Intense Torso Twists

Full Sit-ups

Full sit-ups require a range of motion that often stresses the lower back and SI joints. The movement can pull on the spine and exacerbate lower back pain associated with SI joint dysfunction.

Twisting Plyometric Exercises

Any exercise that involves intense and rapid twisting motions of the torso can lead to SI joint misalignment. This includes high-intensity activities like twist jumps or certain dance moves that involve quick turning and bending.

High-Intensity Group Fitness Classes

Boot Camps and HIIT

These classes often combine several high-impact, high-intensity exercises that can be problematic for someone with SI joint pain. Rapid movements, jumps, and heavy lifts are common in these settings, which can be too stressful on the SI joints.

Key Takeaways: Listen to Your Body

The overarching message is clear: avoid exercises that cause pain and discomfort in your lower back, and be mindful of high-impact activities that put excessive stress on the SI joints. Each person’s tolerance to various exercises can differ, so it’s crucial to listen to your body and consult with healthcare professionals who can provide personalized advice.

Finding the Right Routine

If you’re unsure about which exercises to perform and which to avoid, consider consulting with a physical therapist. They can tailor an exercise program that safely strengthens the muscles around your SI joint without exacerbating your symptoms. 

PainTEQ is here to help you connect with specialists who understand the complexities of SI joint dysfunction. Reach out today to find a provider who can diagnose and treat your SI joint pain to promote recovery and well-being.

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