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Dorothy’s Return to Active Living with LinQ

Dorothy had been enduring two years of debilitating pain that made even simple activities like sitting and bending painful. This made it difficult for her to engage in daily chores and play with her grandchildren. After exhausting several treatment options without relief, she turned to Ajay Antony, MD, at The Orthopaedic Institute for the LinQ procedure, which dramatically transformed her life.


Before LinQ: A Life Constrained

Dorothy’s daily life before LinQ was characterized by burning pain whenever she sat down, which severely limited her ability to perform household tasks like sweeping and mopping. More distressingly, her condition prevented her from fully engaging with her grandchildren, turning her family time into periods of discomfort and frustration.

Despite undergoing treatments like SI joint injections and using over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen, along with ice and heat therapy, her pain persisted.

Dorothy’s Decision to Try LinQ

Frustrated by the ineffectiveness of conventional treatments and motivated by a desire to reclaim her life, Dorothy decided to undergo the LinQ procedure. Dr. Antony recommended this minimally invasive treatment as a promising option to alleviate her pain and improve her mobility.

What is LinQ?

LinQ is a minimally invasive procedure designed to provide relief from SI joint dysfunction. This treatment involves placing a single allograft into the SI joint to stabilize it and alleviate pain. Here are some key benefits:

  • Minimally Invasive: Less intrusive than traditional surgeries, allowing for quicker recovery.
  • No Metal Implants: Avoids the risks associated with metal implants.
  • Quick Procedure: Typically performed as an outpatient service, enabling patients to go home the same day.
  • Safe Approach: Utilizes a posterior approach that avoids major nerves and blood vessels, enhancing overall safety.

Immediate Results and a New Beginning

Immediately after the procedure, Dorothy noticed a tremendous improvement. The constant pain she had lived with vanished, allowing her easier mobility, especially in getting up from chairs — a task that had previously been fraught with difficulty.

Life Now: Freedom to Enjoy Every Moment

Today, Dorothy lives without pain, which has brought a profound sense of relief and happiness back into her life. She can now clean her house, play with her grandchildren, and sit comfortably for extended periods. These changes have not only improved her physical health but have also rejuvenated her spirit.

LinQ: Could It Be Your Path to Relief?

Dorothy’s successful experience with LinQ illustrates its potential to transform lives by addressing chronic SI joint pain effectively. If you are facing similar challenges, consider exploring how the LinQ procedure might help you regain an active and fulfilling life. Reach out to PainTEQ to find a skilled provider near you.

For healthcare professionals looking to provide innovative treatments, partnering with PainTEQ to offer LinQ can significantly enhance your ability to help patients like Dorothy find relief and improve their quality of life. Click here to contact us today.

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