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Barry Finds Relief from SI Joint Dysfunction with LinQ

For over two decades, Barry endured the debilitating effects of SI joint dysfunction. It was the expertise of Patrick Buchanan, MD, from Spanish Hills Interventional Pain Specialists, that led him to the LinQ procedure, marking a significant turning point in his battle against chronic pain.


Long Years of Persistent Pain

Barry’s journey with pain was marked by a constant “pinching” sensation in his left SI joint, which was especially severe when he stood up after sitting, even for short periods. This persistent discomfort had become a defining aspect of his daily life, affecting his every move.

Exhausting Traditional Treatments

In his search for relief, Barry underwent multiple treatments, including epidural injections and radiofrequency ablation (RFA) treatments. Despite these efforts, the desired relief from his SI joint pain remained elusive.

Choosing LinQ: A Decision for a Better Life

What finally convinced Barry to try LinQ was Dr. Buchanan’s thorough explanation of the procedure. The prospect of a treatment that didn’t involve drilling screws into his hip was particularly appealing to him, making LinQ an attractive option.

Post-LinQ: A Significant Improvement

After undergoing the LinQ procedure, Barry experienced a notable change. Within just a few days, he felt a significant difference. Although he continues to manage other back issues, the pain in his left SI joint, which had been a constant source of discomfort for so many years, has completely disappeared. The relief from the intense pain when standing up after sitting was particularly transformative for Barry.

Life Now: Easier and Less Painful

Today, Barry’s life has improved remarkably. He can stand up without the familiar wince of pain or the involuntary “pain noise” he had grown accustomed to. Standing up has become much easier, allowing him to engage more comfortably in his daily activities.

Explore the Potential of LinQ

Barry’s story is a testament to the effectiveness of the LinQ procedure for those suffering from chronic SI joint dysfunction. If you’re struggling with similar challenges, consider learning more about LinQ. PainTEQ offers information and connections to providers like Dr. Buchanan, who can guide you through this potentially life-changing treatment. Click here to contact us and find a physician near you. 

For healthcare professionals, partnering with PainTEQ means bringing innovative solutions like LinQ to patients in need, helping them reclaim a more comfortable and active life.

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