LinQ Sacroiliac Joint Fusion Lab Demo | Ramana Naidu, MD
In these videos, Dr. Naidu discusses the history of sacroiliac (SI) joint fusions and the current practices over the last few decades. Specifically, Dr. Naidu examines PainTEQ’s LinQ SI Joint Stabilization System and its effectiveness in treating SI joint dysfunction.

Sacroiliac Joint Fusion Devices | Ramana Naidu, M.D.
In this video, Dr. Naidu explains how in the last 10 to 20 years, a lateral approach involving screws and rods has been utilized to help relieve patients of sacroiliitis. Now, PainTEQ has delivered a posterior fusion approach as an efficient and minimally invasive technique, known as the LinQ SI Joint Stabilization System. Dr. Naidu elaborates on the LinQ technique’s ability to replace cadaveric allografts and demineralize the bone matrix, applying methods typically used in spinal surgeries. Similar to the simple nature of an SI joint injection, Dr. Naidu goes in-depth about how the procedure is performed.
Lab Demo: Sacroiliac Joint Fusion with LinQ | Ramana Naidu, M.D.
In this video, Dr. Naidu examines PainTEQ’s LinQ system and how it is a simple and often-successful approach with extraordinary patient satisfaction ratings. The physician also discusses how PainTEQ is still conducting research to learn more about who this procedure can benefit, particularly regarding the types of SI joint dysfunction it can most effectively treat. Dr. Naidu emphasizes how PainTEQ is dedicated to finding more evidence so they can make this treatment more accessible to patients.