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April 5, 2022

Tampa-Based Medical Device Company, PainTEQ, Treats Employee’s Father With 100% Pain Relief 6-Months Post-Op

Tallahassee man with SI joint pain undergoes successful treatment using LinQ device from his son’s company.


TAMPA, Fla.April 5, 2022 – It’s not every day that you hear about a business practicing what they preach, but Tampa-based medical device company, PainTEQ, does just that. Their newly patented LinQ SI Joint Stabilization System was designed to alleviate chronic pain associated with sacroiliac (SI) joint dysfunction. When Robert Faxon, the father of Devin Faxon, one of PainTEQ’s employees, experienced chronic SI joint pain, he knew exactly where to go for treatment.

Undergoing 21 back surgeries, four shoulder surgeries, three knee surgeries and a knee replacement, Robert was no stranger to medical procedures. However, his SI joint pain was different, and he knew he needed a long-term solution.

Working at PainTEQ, Devin was able to help his father schedule an appointment with Stephen Pyles, MD, of Pain Treatment Centers, Ocala, FL.

“When I went in there, Dr. Pyles asked me how bad the pain was on a scale of one to 10. And I said, ‘Well, let’s put it this way. I’ve not slept on my left side in a year,'” Robert said. “‘So on a one to 10 scale, it’s about a plus 15.'”

Based on his assessment, Dr. Pyles quickly determined that Robert was a candidate for the minimally invasive LinQ procedure. After a relatively short time in the operating room, Devin’s father woke up and reported a significant reduction in pain.

“I got 80% pain relief immediately,” Robert said. “Within two weeks, it was 100%!”

For years before this, Robert had turned SI joint injections, medications, and back surgeries to help ease his SI joint pain. While these helped lessen the immediate discomfort, they did nothing to fix the mechanical problem of his SI joint. However, PainTEQ designed LinQ to address the root cause of SI joint pain, not mask it.

“When you think about your father having surgery, you would think that you would be nervous. But I wasn’t. I knew this procedure was going to be life-changing for him, and it was,” Devin said. “Dr. Pyles has been a long-time partnering physician of PainTEQ. With his skills and PainTEQ’s device, I knew my dad was in good hands.”

Robert lives an active lifestyle and coaches children to hit and pitch in sports like baseball and softball. In his line of work, living with chronic pain isn’t an option.

“I’m active. I work out four days a week, and I work six days a week,” Robert said. “My friends say they can’t believe the change. I tell them, ‘Well, you can have that change, too!'”

Robert may have learned about LinQ from his son, but patients don’t have to have an “in” to benefit from PainTEQ’s procedure. Interventional pain physicians from all over the country have added the LinQ device into their care continuum.

“Unfortunately, it is very common for patients with SI joint pain to go a long time without proper treatment, just as Devin’s father had. SI joint dysfunction is often called ‘missed low back pain,’ for this very reason,” said Dr. Pyles. “I am proud to have been able to help him – and all of my patients – get the long term treatment that they deserve.”

About PainTEQ: Built to bring interventional procedures to the market, PainTEQ is a medical device innovator headquartered in Tampa, Florida. Working with pain management specialists to help reduce and eliminate SI joint dysfunction, PainTEQ’s LinQ therapy aims to immediately provide clinical benefits to individuals living with incapacitating lower back pain through a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure.

About LinQ: The LinQ SI Joint Stabilization System provides SI joint dysfunction patients with a minimally invasive option to combat pain. After a thorough diagnostic process, physicians may help alleviate, and in many cases eliminate, chronic pain by placing a single LinQ allograft into the SI Joint. With its large graft window, this single implant helps create an ideal environment for long-term fusion.


Contact Information:

Kelly Citron, Director of Marketing

855.248.PAIN ext.104

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