From LinQ to Life: Woman Now Lives Pain-free Thanks to the LinQ Procedure
Growing up on a ranch, Rita always enjoyed living an active lifestyle despite suffering from back pain at a young age. However, by 2005, her pain became too severe to ignore, limiting her ability to do the things she loved. This led to Rita’s active lifestyle becoming a thing of the past.

Depressed and worried that she would never be able to fully enjoy her life again, Rita decided to make a change and seek help from Zachary Lipman, MD, at Interventional Pain Solutions. He diagnosed her with SI joint dysfunction and recommended the LinQ SI Joint Stabilization System. Thanks to Dr. Lipman and the LinQ procedure, Rita is now pain-free, and she is finally enjoying life again.
How Rita Went From LinQ to Life
When physical therapy and herbal teas didn’t make Rita’s pain go away, she decided to make an appointment with Dr. Lipman at Interventional Pain Solutions. Through Dr. Lipman’s encouragement and helpful staff, Rita decided to go through with the minimally invasive LinQ procedure.
Not only did she notice an immediate difference in her pain, but she was also able to quickly get back to living her life. She is now playing with her grandchildren, going shopping, and can drive her car without pain.
Rita’s life has completely changed for the better since the LinQ procedure, and she is elated that she no longer has to live in pain. “This is a miracle, no exaggeration. [Dr. Lipman] saved my life,” Rita stated.

LinQ Helped Rita. Could It Help You?
If you suffer from chronic back pain that has not responded to conservative methods, it may be time to explore other options. SI joint dysfunction is a relatively common cause of low back pain, but it takes a skilled clinician to diagnose and treat it.
To find a provider near you skilled in the diagnostic process and trained in the LinQ procedure, contact PainTEQ today. We will be happy to answer any questions you might have and connect you with a LinQ provider that is right for you.