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From Stumbling to Stability: Teresa's Experience with LinQ for SI Joint Pain

At the age of 80, Teresa found her life limited by the debilitating effects of SI joint pain. Her discomfort didn’t just restrict her mobility but also affected her daily activities and passions. That was until Lance Larsen, MD, from Sierra Pacific Orthopedic Center, offered her the LinQ SI Joint Stabilization System. Teresa underwent two LinQ procedures, one for each side, at different times. The impact on her life has been revolutionary.


Teresa’s Battle with SI Joint Pain

For about six months, Teresa suffered from symptoms that drastically impacted her lifestyle. She had numbness in her right leg that traveled all the way to her foot and wrapped around her big toe. This led to an awkward gait and frequent stumbling, making even the simplest of tasks a challenge.

Teresa tried SI joint injections, physical therapy, and home exercise programs to find relief. However, the effectiveness of these treatments started to wane over time.

Turning Point: Opting for LinQ

Dr. Larsen advised Teresa about the LinQ procedure as an effective option for her SI joint pain. After enduring the gradually decreasing relief from her earlier treatments, Teresa decided it was time to try LinQ. The procedure’s design for quick recovery and minimal invasion encouraged her to take the step.

Life After LinQ: A Transformation

Following the LinQ procedure, Teresa’s pain score plummeted from a 10 to an astonishing 0. She was able to feel a difference on the first side within 1-2 weeks, and her numbness began to subside within a month, eventually disappearing over three months. After having the second side done, she also noticed her stumbling had substantially decreased.

Now, Teresa revels in a life where she can do everything she wants without the hindrance of pain. She quilts, gardens, paints rocks, builds things with wood, works as a home caregiver, and enjoys long walks. More than anything, she is grateful for the complete relief from the numbness and stumbling that plagued her life before.

About the LinQ Procedure

LinQ offers patients a minimally invasive option to tackle SI joint dysfunction. This unique procedure places a single LinQ allograft into the SI joint to help patients regain joint stability. This implant is designed to provide an ideal setting for long-term fusion, thanks to its large graft window.

The procedure is done through a single, small incision on the patient’s back. It’s so minimally invasive that patients usually leave the hospital or surgery center the same day, shortly after surgery. Recovery time also tends to be quicker compared to traditional SI joint surgeries.

Advantages of LinQ Procedure

  • Minimally invasive
  • No metal implantation
  • Faster recovery time than traditional fusion
  • Approach is posterior, avoiding nerves and large blood vessels

Teresa’s story is not just a testament to her resilience but also an example of the effectiveness of LinQ in treating SI joint pain. Dr. Larsen at Sierra Pacific Orthopedic Center has been pivotal in helping her reclaim a life free from the debilitating effects of SI joint dysfunction.

For those suffering from similar symptoms, Teresa’s journey stands as an encouraging example of how life can turn around for the better.

See if You Qualify for the LinQ Procedure for SI Joint Pain

Don’t let SI joint pain keep you from living an active and vibrant life. Contact PainTEQ today to find a provider near you and take the first step in reclaiming your life from SI joint dysfunction.

If you are a healthcare provider, partner with PainTEQ to offer the LinQ SI Joint Stabilization System at your practice. Together, we can help patients like Teresa find relief from chronic SI joint pain and enhance their quality of life. Don’t wait – click here to join us in our mission to revolutionize pain management today.

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