LinQ SI Joint Stabilization Recovery: Postoperative Instructions
The LinQ™ Stabilization System is a minimally invasive treatment option for patients suffering from sacroiliac (SI) joint dysfunction. It involves placing a single LinQ allograft into the SI joint to encourage joint stability. The entire procedure is done through a single, small incision on the patient’s back, and patients can typically leave the hospital or surgery center the same day. The treating surgeon will then provide the patient with detailed postoperative care instructions to aid a smooth and successful recovery.

It is important for patients to follow their surgeon’s instructions carefully, but there are some general things all patients should do after having LinQ surgery.
Surgical Site Care
Most surgical site wounds after LinQ will have a few stitches or staples that should be kept clean and dry until the first follow-up visit. Patients should care for their surgical site within the following guidelines:
• No shower for 24 hours. No bath for two weeks. No swimming for four weeks.
• Avoid scrubbing the surgical site for 72 hours.
• Clean the site with soap and water, and change the bandage daily and/or any time the bandage gets wet.
• Report any changes in the wound, such as redness, bleeding and/or swelling, to your physician.
All patients have different needs and will recover at varying speeds. Therefore, it is important always to follow the treating physician’s instructions regarding recommended activity restrictions.
Generally, for six weeks, limit all lifting, bending, twisting and strenuous activity, including:
- Lifting any weight over 15 lbs
- Any large bending of the spine, especially twisting
- Strenuous activities such as swimming, golf, tennis, racquetball, running, jogging, or sexual activity
- No anti-inflammatories/NSAIDs for two weeks
- Driving may be limited depending on the provider’s guidance
Patients are encouraged to ask their physician about any further recommended activity restrictions at their first follow-up visit.
Physical Therapy
Patients are encouraged to participate in physical therapy (PT) at the 6-8 week mark to strengthen the pelvis and core muscles. If patients are interested in learning more about the recommended PT instructions and timeline, they should ask their treating physician. Walking is often the best exercise.
It is typical to have swelling, soreness or bruising following surgery. However, applying ice packs may help patients experience temporary relief until these symptoms subside. The healing process varies for each patient.
Patients interested in learning about LinQ from actual patients can explore the LinQ to Life stories. These articles highlight the accounts of real people who received LinQ and how it has helped them return to the activities they love.
If you have any questions or concerns about your recovery after LinQ, please reach out to your treating physician.
If you would like to find a provider near you who specializes in diagnosing and treating SI joint dysfunction, contact PainTEQ today.