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Lora’s Journey from Chronic Pain to Renewed Freedom

For over a decade, Lora lived under the shadow of debilitating pain, a consequence of a car accident that occurred 25 years ago. That accident and subsequent fusions dictated the rhythm of her life, limiting her mobility and confining her to a walker. However, with the intervention of Michael Brown, DO, from UCHealth Pain Management, Lora’s life took a transformative turn.


Decades of Discomfort

After the accident, Lora endured years of pain with multiple treatments and interventions. She had lumbar fusions, underwent pain injections, and tried every conceivable pain cream and medication. Yet, the pain persisted, dominating her day-to-day activities and restricting her ability to move without the aid of a walker.

The LinQ Opportunity

When Dr. Brown introduced the possibility of the LinQ procedure, a minimally invasive option for patients suffering from SI joint dysfunction, Lora didn’t hesitate. She was ready for a change, hopeful for an end to her persistent pain. The decision to embrace this new treatment was immediate.

Remarkable Results with LinQ

The impact of the LinQ procedure on Lora’s life was profound. In just a few days, she began to feel the difference. The constant pain that had been her constant companion for so long started to fade away. No longer did she need the walker that had become an extension of herself. Lora was walking independently, and even more impressive, she was exercising!

A Renewed Lease on Life

Today, Lora’s joy knows no bounds. She recently vacationed in Texas with her family, fully participating in every activity and enjoying every moment. Activities that once seemed impossible due to her pain are now part of her daily life. The transformation is not just physical; it’s reflected in her spirit and energy. Lora’s family and church friends attest to the life-changing impact of the LinQ procedure, noting the evident change in her demeanor.

Lora’s story stands as a testament to the potential of the LinQ procedure. From the depths of chronic pain, she’s emerged with a zest for life, embracing every new day and opportunity with a happiness that radiates to all who know her.

Start Your LinQ to Life Journey

If chronic SI joint pain is affecting your life or the life of someone you know, click here to learn more about the LinQ procedure. Reach out to PainTEQ to find a provider near you and explore the possibilities of a pain-free future. For medical professionals aiming to make a meaningful difference in their patients’ lives, partnering with PainTEQ can bring revolutionary treatments like LinQ to those in need.

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