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SI Joint Pain Treatment with LinQ: Pam’s Success Story

Pam grappled with persistent pain from her sacroiliac (SI) joint for around nine months. While she received SI joint injections, the relief they provided was only temporary, and she was starting to lose hope in finding a lasting solution for her pain. However, everything changed when Nikhil Shetty, MD, at Midwest Interventional Spine Specialists, recommended LinQ, a minimally invasive SI joint pain treatment. This procedure not only alleviated her pain but also rejuvenated her active lifestyle.

Enduring Months of Unrelenting Pain

Pam’s pain journey was not triggered by a specific event; it gradually made its presence known in her life. Even after a spinal fusion 11 years prior, discomfort and pain slowly crept in. Standing, walking for extended periods, and even simple tasks like getting out of bed or the car became excruciating challenges. Distance walking, once a beloved activity, became a distant memory due to the intensity of her pain.

Exploring Various Treatments

In her pursuit of relief, Pam tried SI joint injections, physical therapy, and bracing. Despite these efforts, the treatments were short-lived, leaving her feeling hopeless about finding a lasting solution.

Deciding on LinQ

Faced with limited options and wanting to avoid another intense, potentially ineffective procedure, Pam turned to Dr. Shetty. His suggestion of the LinQ procedure was a minimally invasive treatment that finally offered Pam a new ray of hope. 

About LinQ as an SI Joint Pain Treatment

LinQ is a minimally invasive option to combat pain from SI joint dysfunction. After a thorough diagnostic process, physicians may help alleviate, and in many cases eliminate, chronic pain by placing a single LinQ allograft into the SI joint. This single implant may help patients immediately regain joint stability.

Patients often leave the hospital or surgery center the same day, shortly after surgery and can usually resume daily living activities within a couple of weeks.

Post-LinQ: A World of Difference

The LinQ procedure brought about an immediate and profound improvement in Pam’s life. Within just a day or so, she noticed a remarkable difference. The pain that had overshadowed her daily activities completely disappeared, resulting in 100% pain relief.

Embracing a Newfound Freedom

Now, Pam navigates her daily life with ease. Activities that were once sources of pain, like getting out of bed, doing dishes, or sweeping the garage, are now effortless. She enjoys better sleep and is free from the constraints of pain that once limited her mobility. Most importantly, she’s optimistic about returning to distance walking, an activity she deeply cherishes.

Rediscovering the Joy of Activity with LinQ

Pam’s story is a testament to the life-changing impact of the LinQ procedure for those suffering from chronic pain. If you’re in a similar situation, consider the benefits of LinQ. Reach out to PainTEQ to find a provider near you. For medical professionals looking to offer their patients cutting-edge SI joint pain treatment, partnering with PainTEQ can equip you with the tools and knowledge needed for success.

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